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How Do I Know What Size Dumpster I Need?

Knowing the right dumpster size for a specific cleanup job is truly important. Getting a dumpster that is too small may lead you to extra charges. Roll-off dumpsters are measured in cubic yards and are commonly offered in 10, 20, and 30

cubic yards.

Other dumpster rental services also offer half sizes, such as smaller dumpsters ranging around 2 to 8 yards. Any good junk removal service will help you choose the right size of dumpsters for your cleanup job. This article will go over the standard dumpster sizes and the particular projects these sizes can accommodate. 

10 Cubic Yard Roll-off Dumpster

A 10 Cubic Yard Dumpster is also an excellent option for any household cleanup or minor remodeling project.

  • Disposal of yard debris
  • Garage cleanouts
  • Small basement cleanup
  • Minor kitchen or bath remodel
  • Deck replacement project of less than 250 square feet
  • Approximately 1,500 square feet of roof shingles

15 Cubic Yard Roll-off Dumpster

A medium-sized dumpster can accommodate 15 cubic yards of waste. This size is suitable for larger projects that don’t have the space to carry a full-size dumpster on the site/location.

  • Carpet and flooring removal in bigger houses.
  • Garage cleanup
  • Large basement or attic cleanup 
  • Roofing removal under 2,500 square feet
  • Kitchen or bathroom remodeling projects

20 Cubic Yard Roll-off Dumpster

A 20 Cubic yard dumpster is an excellent option for small to medium construction projects or more extensive home cleanups. Due to the larger size of this dumpster, be sure to check the dimensions and confirm that you have enough room to accommodate the dumpster.

  • Large flooring and/or carpet removal projects
  • Large deck or roofing removal
  • Total House Cleanup 
  • Multiple room renovation or remodeling projects

30 Cubic Yard Roll-off Dumpster

A 30 cubic yard dumpster can carry most construction and demolition projects seamlessly. 

  • Garage demolition
  • Major home construction
Commercial Dumpster Rental, 10 Cubic Yard Roll-off Dumpster, Dumpster Rental Springfield MA

What to Consider When Choosing a Dumpster Size

Here are the three key factors that one must consider when picking a dumpster size: 

  • Amount and Type of Waste and Debris
  • Work Site or Location Space
  • Weight and Height Restrictions

Amount and Type of Waste and Debris

Estimating the amount of waste can be difficult, most especially for construction debris and household waste. Choosing a dumpster size that is too small can be a costly mistake. If you try to save a few bucks by squeezing your scraps into a smaller dumpster, you might end up paying for it substantially. 

The worst case is that you are left with excess waste that you have no choice but to get rid of later. Most of all, instantly doubling the expense knowing that you have to get another dumpster to remove the excess. Avoid these problems by knowing the exact size of the dumpster you will need. 

Spacing at the Work Site

If you want a dumpster sent to your small driveway, make sure that you have the accurate dimensions of the dumpster. Don’t forget to consider the height of the dumpster, especially if it will be placed under trees in your yard. 

Weight and Height Restrictions

Dumpster companies aren’t allowed to haul debris if the dumpster is filled higher than the top of the container. In this case, you would need to have a plan to dispose of the extra waste or rent another dumpster.

Don’t forget that if you exceed the weight allowance, there may be overage fees you have to pay. 

Springfield, MA Dumpster Rentals Can Do The Job For You! 

Finding the right dumpster size can be confusing, especially if you are renting for the first time. The professionals at Springfield, MA Dumpster Rentals can assist you in making the most competent choice for your waste removal needs. Our team provides free quotes and excellent customer service. We make sure that every step of the process is seamless for our clients. 

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